HomeProductionCropsEvaluating the Benefits of Conservation Agriculture (No-till) in Africa

Evaluating the Benefits of Conservation Agriculture (No-till) in Africa


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Conservation agriculture is an intervention to reverse the declining fertility trends of our farmland and the challenges of climate change.

Read also: Impacts of Climate Change on Humans, Plants and Animals lives in Africa

With the increasing adoption rates of conservation agriculture, we are looking at stories that will help spread the technology and increase adoption.

Help the mission by telling your story on the benefits of conservation agriculture.

  1. Do you practice Conservation agriculture or related technologies like no-till, cover cropping, etc?
  2. How has it helped you in your farming?

Read also: No-till (Conservation) farming vs Conventional Tillage Agriculture

K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experience Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. I love to share and learn from farmers, experts and the experienced in the field of agriculture.
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