HomeFarmer LifestyleWoman Farmer Wins Overall Best Farmer Award On Farmers' Day

Woman Farmer Wins Overall Best Farmer Award On Farmers’ Day

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Patricia Boadi, a woman farmer from Hwediem is now the District Best Farmer, the topmost award,  at this year’s Farmers Day ceremony in the Atwima Kwanwoma District.

The Government of Ghana instituted the Farmers’ Day as a holiday to celebrate and honour farmers and fishers at the National, District and Regional levels across the country.

Criteria for selection of award winners include; adoption of good farming practices, level of production and contribution of the farmer to the local community. At this year’s district celebrations, award-winning farmers received items including certificates, cutlasses, knapsack sprayers, wellington boots, mist blowers, fridges, bicycle, amongst others.

Patricia Boadi, 39, took home the topmost award. She is married with 7 children and has 23 years of farming experience. She has over the years established and maintained 30 hectares of cocoa, oil palm, plantain and citrus. Moreover, in 2016 alone, she planted all together, 7.2 hectares of ginger, garden eggs, pepper. okra and cassava. Also, she has 120 sheep, goats and local birds.

Pat, they popularly call her in her community, is the second woman farmer in recent times to win the overall Best Farmer award. She took home a certificate, mist blower, knapsack, bicycle, table-top fridge, cutlasses, wellington boot and others.

Read also: Detailed steps on how to Start a Farm

This post, particularly, is to highlight women farmers who are making impacts on their families, farming communities and the country as a whole. Moreover, these women farmers also have the potential to rise with or above their male counterparts in the farming business. They, however, require adequate support and incentives to realise this potential.

Congratulations Patricia Boadi

More to come, about women farmers and their works.

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