HomeProductionFood & Livelihood14 Extraordinary Okra Health Benefits and Side Effects

14 Extraordinary Okra Health Benefits and Side Effects

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Okra or okro, known in many English-speaking countries as ladies’ fingers or ochro, is a flowering plant in the mallow family. It is valued for its edible green seed pods. (Wikipedia)

Okra has some immense benefits on consumption due to its nutritional composition. We elaborate the okra health benefits in this post.

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Okra Health Benefits

Now let’s look the health benefits of okra.

1. Helps in Digestion

Okra is rich in dietary fibre. If you plan to control your diet, eating okra will make you feel full for a long time. This will prevent the crave for other food in between meals. The fibre is very helpful in digestion and helps to prevent constipation and generally makes you healthy.

2. Controls obesity

Okra is also low in calories. This means that you can satisfy your hunger and still keep your weight.

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3. Helps maintain heart health

Okra contains pectin. This lowers LDL or bad cholesterol, and so improves cardiac function.

4. Helps fight cancer

Okra is packed with antioxidants and so can provide  support to cells to fight off free-radicals that can lead to cancer.

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5. Strengthens immunity

Okra is rich in Vitamin C and other anti-oxidants. These help to strengthen our body immunity by acting against the harmful free radicals in our body. Vitamin C also stimulates the production of more white blood cells which are our body’s primary defense mechanisms against foreign pathogens and other materials.

6. Helps fertility and pregnancy

The high folate amount in okra is important in a conception diet as it decreases the incidence of neural tube defects in offspring. Moreover, the consumption of folates during pregnancy help support a healthy mother and baby.

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7. Helps control diabetes and kidney disease

The high content of soluble fibre in okra helps to regulate blood sugar levels. This helps to manage diabetes as the soluble fibre affects the absorption of sugars in the intestine. Further, it reduces the chances of developing kidney disease as half of such ailments develop from diabetes.

8. Controls asthma

It is recommended for people suffering from asthma to incorporate okra in their diet. Okra has shown some to have some positive effects in the treatment of asthma.

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Okra’s powerful dose of vitamin C has been linked to easing respiratory issues like asthma.

9. Anti-inflammatory

Okra health benefits include its anti-inflammatory property that makes it good for joints, as well as treating lung inflammation, sore throat, and irritable bowel syndrome.

10. Improves eye health

Okra has a high content of Vitamin A and other anti-oxidants which act against the free radicals in our body. These free radicals are formed as a result of cellular metabolism and can harm the cells which help our eyesight. So, okra helps to protect our eyes against the dangerous effects of these free radicals and prevent the onset of macular degeneration and cataracts.

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Okra’s nutrients like vitamins C and A have been linked to a reduction in the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. These nutrients contributes to the enormous okra health benefits.

11. Strengthen bones

The vitamin K and folates is okra is effective for preventing bone lossand fending off osteoporosis.

12. Improves skin

The Vitamin C in okra helps to repair body tissues and help your skin to look younger and more vibrant. The nutrients in okra also prevent skin pigmentation and helps to rejuvenate your skin.

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13. Source of vegetable protein

Okra is a very good source of vegetable protein and so it is a very good ingredient in a vegetarian diet. With 2 grams of protein per cup, it is an easily-digestible, vegetarian source of filling, a fibrous protein.

14. Healing of ulcer

Okra coats the digestive tract when consumed. It helps speed the healing of peptic ulcers.

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Side-effects of Consuming Okra

  • Okra intake may nullify the effect of Metformin which is meant to control the levels of blood sugar.
  • Also, okra is rich in oxalates which may bind with existing gall and kidney stones and cause them to deteriorate.

We advice you consume okra in moderation.


20 Health Benefits Of Okra That Are Constantly Overlooked – (lifehack.org)

Benefits Of Okra And Its Side Effects – (lybrate.com)

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Lizzy Appiyah
Lizzy Appiyah
Expert in Food Processing and Food Quality Management. She loves to empower women and so has trained hundreds of women in food processing and other trades; gari, yoghurt, soy milk, soap making, etc.


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