HomeProductionFood & Livelihood11 Awesome Health Benefits of Wheat and Its Side Effects

11 Awesome Health Benefits of Wheat and Its Side Effects

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The health benefits of wheat are incredible. It is an important source of Carbohydrates. It’s also the leading plant protein in human food. The content is about 13%. Relatively high if you compare it to the other major cereals. And also relatively low in protein quality for supplying essential amino acids. The protein present in wheat is gluten. The problem with wheat is that many people are unable to properly digest the gluten in it.

The widely grown species is common wheat. The others are stooked wheat, hybrid wheat, hulled versus free-threshing wheat, Emmer, Khorasan, Einkorn, Durum, Duru spelt etc.

Wheat is a source of multiple nutrients and dietary fibre. It has the endosperm, germ and bran.

Do you want to know the amazing health benefits of wheat?

Wheat is very good but may not be good for you. Read on to know all you need to know about the health benefits of wheat.

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Nutritional and Health Benefits of wheat

1. Prevention of Obesity

Wheat is known to control obesity. But, this health benefit if more visible in women than in men. Eating whole wheat products on a regular basis can lead to much weight loss in obese patients.

2. Enhances Body Metabolism

Another one of the health benefits of wheat is that it improves your overall digestion. Leads to a better metabolism. And so prevents some health issues from starting. When the body’s metabolism is not working at an optimal level, it can lead to a number of metabolic syndromes. Visceral obesity, high triglycerides, high blood pressure and low levels of HDL cholesterol. Those are some of the common syndromes. These conditions put patients at risk of cardiovascular diseases. So, wheat in your diet can prevent these.

3. Prevents type 2 diabetes

Consuming whole wheat on a regular basis helps to control blood sugar levels. Type 2 diabetes is a condition that can be dangerous if not controlled properly. More so, you can reverse it if you pay attention to your diet. Wheat has a lot of magnesium. The magnesium is a cofactor for over 300 enzymes. These enzymes directly affect the way the body uses insulin and secretes glucose. You can replace rice with wheat in your daily diet to control blood sugar levels.

4. Prevents Gallstones

Whole wheat also helps to prevent gallstones in women. The gallstones form because of excessive secretion of bile acids. Wheat contains insoluble fibre. This ensures smoother digestion. It requires lesser secretion of bile acids. So, it prevents gallstones.

5. Reduces Chronic Inflammation

Inflammation that may last for a few months is referred to as chronic inflammation. The inflammation could be a reaction to a harmful stimulus. Or a problem in the immune system. Though not a serious problem, if not checked, it may lead to certain types of cancer and arthritis. Wheat can control this effect. The betaine in wheat reduces inflammation. It helps with other ailments such as Alzheimer’s disease, cognitive decline, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and osteoporosis.

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6. Prevents heart attacks

Wheat and foods rich in dietary fibre are good for reducing blood pressure levels. This reduces the chances of having a heart attack. But, a healthy diet with the right exercises is effective in preventing a heart attack.

7. Prevents Childhood Asthma

Childhood asthma is rising due to rising levels of pollution. However, eating of wheat-based diets can lower the chances of developing childhood asthmas by at least 50%.  This is because wheat is rich in magnesium and vitamin E.

However, as a caution, many asthma patients should avoid wheat to prevent their condition from getting worse. So, consult your doctor before consuming them.

8. Prevents breast cancer

Wheat bran acts as an anticarcinogenic agent in women. This means that it prevents certain types of cancer. Breast cancer is caused by high estrogen levels. Wheat bran optimizes estrogen levels. It controls them at all times, preventing breast cancer. Wheat also has lignans. These lignans occupy the hormone receptors in the body and help keep the high circulating estrogen levels in check. This aids in the prevention of breast cancer.

9. Promotes Gastrointestinal Health in Women

The fibre in wheat helps smooth digestion. This means less bile is secreted for food breakdown. So colon cancer is prevented. It also promotes better gastrointestinal health, especially in women.

10. Relieve postmenopausal symptoms

This is for women who have gone through menopause. Regular consumption of whole wheat meals is great as they are at risk for a variety of diseases. It is good for high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, and high cholesterol. It slows down the progression of atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is the building up of plaque in the blood vessels and arteries. Wheat is also good for reducing the chances of heart attacks and strokes in women.

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11. Protects against coronary diseases

Whole wheat contains lots of plant lignans which is a phytonutrient. When you eat wheat, these plant lignans are transformed into mammalian lignans in the intestines by responsive flora in the body. Enterolactone is one of the lignans. This protects the body from cancers that are hormone-dependent such as breast cancer. They also prevent various heart diseases and obesity. Wheat also increases good cholesterol in the body. Good cholesterol is very significant in preventing heart diseases.

Side effects of whole wheat

  1. Wheat may be addictive.
  2. It is loaded with gluten.
  3. Wheat increases blood sugar rapidly.
  4. Wheat consumption is associated with several brain diseases.
  5. Whole wheat drastically raises small, dense LDL cholesterol.
  6. Wheat contains substances that steal ‘nutrients from the body.
  7. It’s advisable not to take in much of wheat with more gluten.


Benefits Of Wheat And Its Side Effects – (lybrate.com)

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Lizzy Appiyah
Lizzy Appiyah
Expert in Food Processing and Food Quality Management. She loves to empower women and so has trained hundreds of women in food processing and other trades; gari, yoghurt, soy milk, soap making, etc.
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