HomeProductionFood & Livelihood3 Effective Methods of Drying and Preserving Turkey Berries

3 Effective Methods of Drying and Preserving Turkey Berries

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Christopher Atanga in a comment asked a question on how to dry the turkey berries and the leaves. Also, he wanted to know how to prevent the itches from the hairy leaves during handling. The post provides details of some ways of drying and preserving turkey berries.

Read also: 11 incredible health benefits of Turkey berries


To dry turkey berries, there are three (3) methods described below.

Method 1

Drying without the seeds
  1. Harvest matured turkey berries. These ones are dark green with tough skins (epicarp).
  2. Partially crush the berries. Be careful not grind them.
  3. Wash with clean water to remove seeds and clean the berries. Wash off most of the seeds from the berries.
  4. Separate the seeds from the berries. You may discard the seed.
  5. Wash the berries finally with a mixture of lemon juice and water.
  6. Blot the berries on a clean cotton cloth (this will absorb some of the moisture). Then dry in the open.
  7. Now, thinly spread on a clean sheet/tray and place in an airy place, preferably. You may also place it in the sun or a dehydrator.
  8. For consistent drying keep turning the berries at preferred intervals.

Read also: 22 Essential Health benefits of Cocoyam leaves (Kontomire)

Method 2

Drying with seeds
  1. Harvest matured turkey berries.
  2. Partially crush the berries.
  3. Wash with clean water to remove seeds and clean the berries.
  4. Collect the crushed berries from the water.
  5. Collect the seeds from the water using a sieve with smaller pores to prevent the seeds from washing away through the pores. Keep the seeds in the sieve.
  6. Wash the berries with a mixture of lemon juice and water. Afterwards, dip the sieve containing the seeds into the same mixture to wash.
  7. Blot only the berries on a clean cotton cloth.
  8. Now, thinly spread on a clean sheet/tray and place in an airy place, preferably. For consistent drying keep turning the berries at preferred intervals.
  9. Thinly spread the seeds on a sheet/try and place in the open to dry.

Read also: 11 amazing health benefits of Ginger

Method 3

Drying whole berries (without crushing)
  1. Harvest matured turkey berries.
  2. Wash the berries with a mixture of lemon juice and water.
  3. Blot only the berries on a clean cotton cloth.
  4. Spread on a sheet/tray and place in the open to dry.
This method, though used, we would rather recommend method 1 and 2 for the following reasons.
  1. Drying takes so long.
  2. The drying process may not be successful. That is even after a longer period of drying, the berries, they may still not dry enough.
  3. These conditions may also lead to the development of mold which is toxic to the body.


Cook the berries, allow to cool and freeze.


To dry the leaves of the turkey berry plant, follow the simple steps below.

  1. Wash in a mixture of lemon juice, vinegar or salt and water to thoroughly clean them.
  2. Blot on a cotton cloth
  3. Spread on a sheet to dry.

Note: To prevent itches from the leaves, you may protect your hand with gloves.


After drying turkey berries or leaves, mill into powder and put into a clean, airtight container and keep in a cool dry place.


Use the powdered berries in preparation of soups, stews and other meals.

The powdered-leaves is used in brewing tea.


The above mention uses, we believe are not the only uses of powdered berries and leaves.

Please share with us how you have used your turkey berries.

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Lizzy Appiyah
Lizzy Appiyah
Expert in Food Processing and Food Quality Management. She loves to empower women and so has trained hundreds of women in food processing and other trades; gari, yoghurt, soy milk, soap making, etc.


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