HomeProductionCropsSynthetic Chemicals - Is it the best way to deal with Weeds,...

Synthetic Chemicals – Is it the best way to deal with Weeds, Insects and Diseases in Crops?

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Weeds, insects and diseases are basic challenges for most crop farming enterprises. They can cause up to total failures of crops if not dealt with effectively. Farmers, therefore, dedicate various activities and budget to make sure they are well under control to ensure optimum yields of their crops.

Their occurrence may vary from location, type of crop and even time of cropping. There are several technologies and methods of dealing with weeds, insects and diseases.

Read also: Safety Precautions in Agrochemicals handling and usage

Moreover, the method and inputs used to control weeds, insects and diseases are dependent on a number of factors.  Amongst them are; location, type of input, availability of input for control, the cost of the input, ease of application of method or inputs, efficacy etc.

The types of control include chemical (organic/synthetic), mechanical, biological and physical (manual). However, out of the several methods, synthetic chemicals have been the way of most farmers in Africa, citing reasons of convenience and efficacy.

Read also: How to control Nematodes without chemicals on farms

*Now the question:

Is Synthetic Chemical the best way to deal with weeds, insects and diseases?

How do you deal with weeds, insects, diseases on your farms?

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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.
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