HomeProductionCropsHow to Intercrop Maize and Cowpea Under Conservation Agriculture

How to Intercrop Maize and Cowpea Under Conservation Agriculture

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The project, Maize/Cowpea Cultivation, commenced the 10-year growth plan for Agrihome.

Adopting the no-till technology on a maize/cowpea intercrop field was the most suitable considering the ideals of Agrihome. The technology helps to improve and maintain soil structure whiles helping to manage weeds. The field, established at Twedie in the Atwima Kwanwoma District of Ashanti, faced a couple of challenges particularly low amount of rainfall during cob formation.

Cowpea at close range
Cowpea at close range. Cleared vegetation allowed on field serves as mulch and improves soils structure.

Activities carried out under Maize/Cowpea Cultivation


1Land preparation11/05/2015
2Weedicide application26/05/2015
5Fertilizer application19/06/2015
7Weedicide application23/06/2015
8Planting of cowpea25/06/2015
9Harvesting of cowpea18/09/2015
10Harvesting of maize03/10/2015
Maize/Cowpea intercrop
Maize/Cowpea intercrop


Maize yield = 8 bags * 100 kg out of the expected 15 bags * 100 kg.

Cowpea yield = 4bags * 50 kg in addition to its nnitrogen-fixingbenefits and weed control.


  • The adoption of conservation agriculture helped to avoid total crop failure.
  • Irrigation to make up for prolonged dry spells and enable  off-season cropping.
  • Intensify monitoring of  projects.


Harvest fell 47% below the expected (15.0 bags x 100kg) for maize. The purpose for cowpea as an intercrop was to control weeds and that was perfectly served besides yielding 4.0bags x 50kg. Project success is rated average. Agrihome, growing from here, will adopt the best technologies and work towards providing the required logistics to ensure optimum productivity.

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Owusu Mensah Evans
Owusu Mensah Evans
Experienced in Crops Pests and Disease diagnosis and a Livestock Officer. I share the vision to build a sustainable and healthy food production system. I offer my expertise to help farmers in Africa.


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