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“Improved yam varieties released and registered in Ghana” is a compilation of improved yam varieties and their characteristics.
The improved yam varieties released have different structural characteristic features and are high yielding.
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Cowpea Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana
Maize Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana
We present a list of yam varieties released in Ghana with distinct features, values, uses and more.
No. |
Name of Variety & Origin/Source |
Breeder /Institution |
Distinctness Uniformity and Stability (DUS) |
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU) |
Pedigree/ Preferred Ecology Line & Year of Release |
1. | CRI-Pona
IITA, Ibadan | Dr Emmanuel Otoo. CSIR- CRI, Fumesua | Young Stem: young stem colour: Purplish Green; Mature leaf- colour: Dark Green; Mature leaf-tip Colour: Dark Green; Mature leaf- petiole length(cm):5; Petiole length in correlation to leaf blade: Medium; Mature leaf-petiole colour: All green with purple at both ends; Tuber corms: Present; Corm size: Small and easily separated from tuber; Cylindrical tuber shape; no roots on tuber surface; no spines on tuber. | Potential yield 26- 42t/ha; %Dry Matter 33.42, % Crude Ash 3.37, %Crude Fibre 2.46, %Crude Protein 9.39, WBC 140.73, SC 9.32, TTA 0.45, pH 7.05 %Solubility 13. | Improved Local Landrace
All agro-ecologies in Ghana
2005 |
2. | Mankrong-pona
IITA, Ibadan | Dr Emmanuel Otoo. CSIR- CRI, Fumesua | Young Stem: young stem colour: Brownish Green; Mature leaf- colour: Dark Green; Mature leaf-tip colour: Dark Green; mature leaf distance between lobes: Intermediate; Mature leaf- petiole length(cm): 7; Petiole wing colour: Green with Purple Edges; Mature leaf-petiole colour: All green with purple at both ends; Tuber corms: Present; Corm size: Small and easily separated from tuber; Cylindrical tuber shape; no roots on tuber surface; no spines on tuber. | Potential yield 45-70t/ha; %Dry Matter 34.63 %, Crude Ash 3.01, %Crude Fibre 2.15, %Crude Protein 8.67, WBC 140.74, SC 13.11, TTA 0.45, pH 6.49, %Solubility 11.33. | IITA Germplasm
All agro-ecologies in Ghana
2005 |
3. | CRI-Kukrupa
Ghana | Young Stem: young stem colour: Green; Mature leaf-colour: Dark Green; Mature leaf-tip colour: Dark Green Mature leaf distance between lobes: Intermediate; Mature leaf- petiole length(cm): 5.7; Petiole wing colour: Green with Purple Edges; Mature leaf petiole colour: green; Tuber corms: Present; Corm size: Small and easily separated from tuber; Cylindrical tuber shape; no roots on tuber surface; no spines on tuber. | Potential yield 42-50t/ha; %Dry Matter 33.42, % Crude Ash 3.37, %Crude Fibre 2.46, %Crude Protein 9.39, WBC 140.73, SC 9.32, TTA 0.45, pH 7.05, %Solubility 13. | Improved Local Landrace
All agro-ecologies in Ghana.
2005 |
Read also: Yam Minisett Technique to produce quality planting materials
- Catalogue of Crop Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana by CORAF and WAAP
- Crop Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana
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