HomeProductionCrops11 Highly Improved Soybean Varieties With Amazing Yield and Features

11 Highly Improved Soybean Varieties With Amazing Yield and Features

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Soybean, Glycine max (L) Merr., is a major industrial and food crop cultivated worldwide. It is an important commodity recommended for solving malnutrition and is also an important ingredient in animal feed. There have been developments over the years to achieve high-yielding soybean varieties.

soybean harvest and cultivation

These are improved soybean varieties released and registered in Ghana.

Improved Soybean Varieties

1Name of VarietySalintuya-I
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Determinate maturity habit, maturity (115 days), days to 50% flowering (50- 55 days), flower colour (yellowish), plant height (45-55 cm), over 98% seed Germination, 100 seed weight (13.5g), seed colour (cream)
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Excellent seed quality, good yield across many locations, medium maturity, tolerant to bacterial pustule and Cercospora leaf spot; good trap crop for S. hermonthica; yield (over 2.2 t/ha).
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone

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2Name of VarietySalintuya-II
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Determinate maturity habit, maturity (130 days), Days to 50% flowering (48-55 days), flower colour (yellowish), plant height (55-65 cm), over 98% seed germination, 100 seed weight (15.2g), seed colour (cream).
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Excellent seed quality, high and stable yield across many environments, tolerant to common soybean pests and diseases; yield (over 2.8 t/ha).
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone
3Name of VarietyAnidaso
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Medium maturing, Resistant to shattering, cream colour, hilum colour light brown, days to maturity 105-115 days, yield 1.2 1.8 ton/ha, NDFA 51-60, seed length 6.59 +5.66 + 0.37, seed coat thickness 0.08 ± 0.01, thousand seed weight 96.08 + 8.2 g
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Protein (%): 46.38±0.08, fat (%):16.45±0.07, Ash (%): 5.10±0.13, carbohydrate (%): 32.07±0.32, Phosphorus (mg/100g): 596.9±14.1, Calcium (mg/100g): 240.1±1.4, Iron (mg/100g):11.67± 0.28 Seed yield: 1.8t/ha
Preferred EcologyGuinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, Transition and Coastal Savannah zones
4Name of VarietyBengbie
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Seed coat colour: Cream (with a greenish tinge), helium colour: light brown, days to maturity 100-110 days, yield 1.2 -1.8 seed length:6.38 ± 0.38, Seed width: 5.19 ± 0.28, seed coat thickness: 0.08 ± 0.02, thousand seed weight: 94.05± 6.5.
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Moisture (%): 8.42±0.18, Protein (%): 40.85±0.13, Fat (%): 21.05±0.31, Ash (%): 5.54±±0.14, Carbohydrates(%): 32.56±0.76, Energy (Kcal/100g): 450.1, Phosphorus (mg/100g): 618.0±2.8, Calcium (mg/100g): 220.6±4.2, Iron (mg/100g):10.10±0.07 Seed Yield: 1.8 t/ha
Preferred EcologyGuinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, Transition and coastal zones

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5Name of VarietyJenguma
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Days to 50% flowering (45-48), days to maturity (110-115 days), flower colour (purple), height (50-55 cm), 100seed weight (14.0 g), seed colour (cream), haulm yield (1500-3000kg/ha), plant stature (erect), plant pubescent on stems and leaves, pods positioned along the main stem, helium colour (light pink), leaf type (trifoliate).
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Yield potential (2.5-2.8 t/ha), resistance to pod shattering (up to 3% shattering), excellent seed quality, high and stable yield across many environments, tolerant to common soybean pests and diseases, relatively tolerant to low soil P, trap-crop for S. hermonthica
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional and forest zones
6Name of VarietyQuarshie
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Days to 50% flowering (40-45 days), days to maturity (110-115 days), flower colour (purple), plant height (45-50 cm), over 98% seed germination, 100 seed weight (12.7 g), seed colour (cream), haulm yield (1300-2000 kg/ha), plant stature (erect), plant pubescent on stems and leaves, pods positioned along the main stem, helium colour (light pink), leaf type (trifoliate).
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Yield potential (2.0-2.4 t/ha), resistant to pod shattering (up to 15% shattering), excellent seed quality, good seed storability, high and stable yield across many environments, tolerant to common soybean pests (light infestation) and diseases, relatively tolerant to low soil P, trap- crop for S. hermonthica
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone
7Name of VarietyCRI-Nangbaar
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)The plant grows to a height of 42cm and bears an average of 6 branches/plant. The flower is purple and the leaf is green in colour. Two to three seeds are borne per pod. The immature pod is green while the mature pod is light brown in colour.
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Moisture (%): 8.37±0.05, Protein (%): 43.00±0.18, Fat (%): 16.77±0.23, Ash (%): 5.73±0.01, Carbohydrates (%): 34.50±0.47, Energy (Kcal/100g): 429.4, Phosphorus (mg/100g):721.9±6.4, Calcium (mg/100g): 372.1±19.1, Iron (mg/100g): 18.05±0.16. Seed yield: 2.1t/ha
Preferred EcologyGuinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, Transition and Coastal Savannah zones

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8Name of VarietyCRI-Ahoto
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)The plant grows to a height of 48cm and bears an average of 4 branches/ plant. The flower is purple and the leaf light green in colour. Two to three seeds are borne per pod. The immature pod is green while the mature pod is light brown in colour.
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Food uses Moisture (%): 9.64±0.08, Protein (%): 42.52±0.03, Fat(%): 19.46±0.42, Ash (%): 5.58±0.05, Carbohydrates (%): 32.45±0.58, Energy (Kcal/100g):442.0, Phosphorus(mg/100g): 549.5±12.0, Calcium (mg/100g): 267.8±1.4, Iron (mg/100g): 11.62±0.28. Seed yield: 2.4 t/ha
Preferred EcologyGuinea Savannah, Sudan Savannah, Transition and Coastal Savannah zones
9Name of VarietyAfayak
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Days to 50% flowering (40-45 days), days to maturity (110-115 days), flower colour (purple), plant height (40-45 cm), over 98% seed germination,1000 seed weight (125.6 g), seed colour (cream), stem colour at maturity (pink) haulm yield (1100-1400 kg/ha), plant stature (erect), plant pubescent on stems and leaves, pods positioned along the main stem, helium colour (light pink), leaf type (trifoliate)
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Yield potential (2.0-2.4 t/ha), resistance to pod shattering (up to 8% shattering), excellent seed quality, good seed storability, high and stable yield across many environments; above-average tolerance to common soybean pests and diseases, excellent trap- crop for S. hermonthica.
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone
10Name of VarietySongda
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Days to 50% flowering (40-45 days), days to maturity (110-115 days), flower colour (purple), plant height (40-45 cm), over 98% seed germination, 1000 seed weight (123.4 g), seed colour (cream), stem colour at maturity (cream) haulm yield (1100- haulm yield (1100-1200kg/ha), plant stature (erect), plant pubescent on stems and leaves, pods positioned along the main stem, helium colour (light pink), leaf type (trifoliate).
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Yield potential (1.8-2.2 t/ha), susceptible to pod shattering (over 50% shattering), excellent seed quality, good seed storability, high and stable yield across many environments; average tolerance to common soybean pests and diseases, excellent trap- crop for S. hermonthica
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone

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11Name of VarietySuong-Pungun
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS)Days to 50% flowering (34-38 days), days to maturity (85-92 days), flower colour (purple), plant height (45-50 cm), over 98% seed germination, 1000 seed weight (177.1 g), seed colour (cream), stem colour at maturity (pink) haulm yield (1200-1400kg/ha), plant stature (erect), plant pubescent on stems and leaves, pods positioned along the main stem to the very tip of the stem, helium colour (light pink), leaf type (trifoliate).
Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU)Yield potential (1.5-1.8 t/ha), resistance to pod shattering (less than 5%), excellent seed quality, good seed storability, high and stable yield across many environments; average tolerance to common soybean pests and diseases.
Preferred EcologyGuinea & Sudan savannahs, transitional zone


Catalogue of Crop Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana by CORAF and WAAP

Soybean Varieties Released and Registered in Ghana

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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.
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