HomeProductionCropsPowerful Illustration on How to Scout and Identify Fall Armyworm in Maize...

Powerful Illustration on How to Scout and Identify Fall Armyworm in Maize Farms

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They say fall armyworm is here to stay, so we need to know how to stay with them.

The videos above is a concise video illustration (English) of how to scout and identify fall armyworm in your maize farms. It shows how the fall armyworm operates and destroys your crops and how you can practically control or manage them.

Read also: Fall Armyworm: Recommended Pesticides and Controls

Ascent- Asante Twi (Ghana)

Ascent – English

Key points to note on how to scout and identify fall armyworm

Read also: Safety Precautions in Agrochemicals handling and usage

  1. Scout for the fall armyworm and treat your plants immediately after the maize crop emerges.
  2. Learn the correct way and pattern to scout fall armyworm on your field.
  3. If you are unsure about the way to control the pest, contact the experts or the local extension agent.
  4. If needed, treat with environmentally safe and approved chemical, long before the maize is shoulder high.
  5. Armyworms are active at night and very early morning.
  6. Their damages are visible. Look out for damage on the leaves.
  7. Fall armyworm goes through various stages in growth. They cause damage at the larvae stage.
  8. The best way to control the pest is by using integrated pest management.
  9. Do not enter the maize field after it has been sprayed with a chemical pesticide.
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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.


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