HomeProductionFood & Livelihood12 Immense Honey Health Benefits, Advantages and Uses

12 Immense Honey Health Benefits, Advantages and Uses

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Honey is one of the important products of beekeeping. Such a wonderful product. It is prefered worldwide as a healthier replacement for sugar. Honey, as we know, has a number of benefits and we use it in various ways to realize these benefits. Honey health benefits include; boosting the immune system, improving skin, treating cough, etc.

You may be a beekeeper or a consumer of honey or a prospective one. It is relevant you know the benefits of honey. We point out, in this post, the immense honey health benefits.

1. Boosts Immune system

Honey contains antioxidants and properties that fight against infections caused by bacteria, fungi and viruses. It naturally helps to cure a sore throat. Children are advised to consume honey as it improves their immunity by acting as a cleansing toner.

2. Boosts your memory

Honey is also very useful for boosting your memory. Honey, when consumed help to reduce metabolic stress and also calms and soothe the brain. This contributes to boosting the memory. There are natural antioxidants and therapeutic properties in honey. These help in boosting the brain’s cholinergic system and circulation and receding cells that cause loss of memory.

3. Solution for dandruff

Honey is known to be one of the best natural home solutions for dandruff. Besides providing nourishment to the dry hair, it also gives you a smooth and soft hair. The combination of honey, lavender and green tea helps prevent hair fall.

Read also: Beekeeping, Types of Bees and Importance of Beekeeeping

4. Nourishes Skin and face 

You can apply honey directly to the skin to nourish and moisturize it. Honey is a natural moisturizer for dry skin and very easy to apply. Honey helps to unclog pore and also help to moisturize parched skin. It is used to cure cracked lips during dry periods. Honey is a natural antiseptic, useful for wounds, bruises, cuts, burns and other infections.

5. Relieves Cough

When you have a cough, honey is one of the known best remedies for the various types of a cough. Honey also reduces irritation in the throat. Honey is recommended as a good solution to a nocturnal cough in kids to help them sleep well at night.

6. Makes gum healthy

We know honey possesses anti-bacterial and infection healing properties. These properties help in treating and healing wounds and diseases of the teeth and gum. The regular use of honey can help treat gingivitis, bleeding and plaque. Honey releases antiseptic hydrogen peroxide which acts as an anti-microbial agent that prevents the growth of bacteria. You can rub honey directly of affected gums to give you instant relief from pain and inflammation.

7. Healing Wounds

Did you know that we use to heal wounds? Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidant properties, These makes it very suitable for the treatment of wounds. When the skin is broken/injured, bacteria that live on the skin infect and penetrate the wound. Honey destroys these bacteria.

8. Natural sleeping aid

If you find difficulty falling asleep, try drinking a beverage made of honey and milk before you sleep. This method has been used for a long time.

9. Prevents/control eczema

Amongst the many honey health benefits is its ability to prevent eczema. Eczema is a skin condition that causes red, itchy, flaky skin that causes discomfort. Young children usually suffer from this skin condition and you can treat them with honey. Regular application of honey will prevent eczema from coming back. Furthermore, you can use it for exfoliation of the skin by mixing it with oats in order to remove dead cells.

Read also: Beekeeping: Key Factors to Consider in Selecting Sites for Apiary/Beehives

10. Eases sinus issues

One of honey health benefits is that it eases sinus issues. Sinuses are small cavities in the skull that produce mucus to guard the respiratory system from allergies and infections. During infections, the viruses block the sinus, traps the air and mucus which causes distress. Honey is a natural anti-bacterium and antiseptic that helps to clear the infections and reduce inflammations. It also soothes the throat and reduces coughs. Moreover, it strengthens the immune system and so reduces sinus attacks.

11. Natural energy drink

Honey is an excellent source of natural energy. The natural unprocessed sugar in it enters the bloodstream directly. The is a quick energy boost.

12. Beneficial to your heart

Honey is a rich source of phenols and other antioxidant compounds. Many of these reduce the risk of heart disease. They may help dilation of arteries and increases blood flow to the heart. They may also prevent the formation of blood clots which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.


10 Surprising Health Benefits of Honey – (healthline.com)

12 Benefits of Honey – Advantages & Uses of Honey – (dabur.com)

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Lizzy Appiyah
Lizzy Appiyah
Expert in Food Processing and Food Quality Management. She loves to empower women and so has trained hundreds of women in food processing and other trades; gari, yoghurt, soy milk, soap making, etc.


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