HomeProductionFood & Livelihood6 Super Health Benefits of Snail, But...

6 Super Health Benefits of Snail, But…

Snails provide some awesome health benefits, but...

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Everyone knows there are some health benefits in snail consumption but exactly what, not many know.

As much as we would like to encourage the rearing of snails, shedding light on the health benefits of snail will go a distance to make sure what is produced is consumed. We are also cautioning about allergies. Just in case it doesn’t suit you, avoid it.

The Health Benefits of Snail

Now, let us go ahead with the health benefits of snails.

  1. Good source of protein

    Snails are a good source of low-calorie protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for building and repairing muscles. Comparing snails to seafood when it comes to protein content, snails have more.

  2. Source of Iron

    Snails are also a very good source of iron. Iron is essential for building red blood cells and carrying energy to the other parts of the body. The lack of iron can lead to fatigue and anaemia.

  3. Vitamin B12 source

    Snail contains lots of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is required for the production of red blood cells. This keeps the nervous system healthy. It releases energy from the food we eat and process into folic acid.

  4. Source of Magnesium

    Snails are also a good source of magnesium. Our bodies need magnesium to maintain normal blood pressure, strengthen bones and also keep a regular heartbeat.

  5. Good source of Selenium

    Snail contains selenium. What does selenium do? Though the body does not need much, it helps to keep a healthy immune system and protects cess from damage.

  6. Excellent source of Omega-3

    Snails too contain Omega-3, not as much as in oily fish though. Omega-3 is very good for a healthy heart.

Allergies associated with the consumption of snails

Many people react to the consumption of snails differently. Some may be allergic the consumption of snails may result in some uncomfortable conditions. Allergies may differ from person to person.

Note all uncomfortable reactions from your head, stomach, body and other parts of the body after consuming snails.

Please avoid snails if you develop such uncomfortable reactions when you eat snails.

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Lizzy Appiyah
Lizzy Appiyah
Expert in Food Processing and Food Quality Management. She loves to empower women and so has trained hundreds of women in food processing and other trades; gari, yoghurt, soy milk, soap making, etc.


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