HomeProductionCropsGlobal Priority Setting Meeting On Pesticides (Chemical and Biologicals)

Global Priority Setting Meeting On Pesticides (Chemical and Biologicals)

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In September 2020, the third Priority Setting Meeting in pesticides (chemicals and biologicals) takes place in Minneapolis, US.

Farmers from around the world can send their plant protection problems (country/crop/pest) to the organizers until April 30.

During the meeting, the administrative, technical and scientific work that needs to take place to give farmers access to adequate products will be coordinated among industry and governments.

This way the long delays between the occurrence of a pest problem and a product to resolve it will be shortened. There is no national Science nor national Nature. Therefore, cooperation should be the norm. Speak up and be heard!

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Dr Imme Gerke
Dr Imme Gerke
PhD in cell biology. Dr Gerke developed biological insecticides in Switzerland, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, the US and Canada. With this experience, Dr Gerke became the Canadian Minor Use Advisor in 2002 and changed her position in 2004 to become one of the facilitators that the Canadian regulatory body put in place upon her advice.
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