HomeProductionAgribusinessFinancial Planning for Profitable One-Hectare Soybean Cultivation 2021

Financial Planning for Profitable One-Hectare Soybean Cultivation 2021

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Soybean cultivation is a profitable business. Yes, but that is the smallest part of the whole story. How does soybean cultivation become profitable?

Today, we will give you the cost details of all the materials and activities for rain-fed soybean cultivation for one season. Then, we will provide you with the expected yield from cultivating one hectare per season.

Note: We provide financial estimates for cultivating a 1-hectare soybean farm below. 1 hectare = 2.5 acres

soybean 1 ha cost benefits analysis

Read also: Good Soybean Production: A Comprehensive Farmer’s Guide

The cost of 1-hectare soybean cultivation

NoItemQuantityUnit CostTotal Cost
Land (rent/year)2.5 acres     100.00      250.00
Seeds45 kg          8.00      360.00
Fertilizer2.5 bag     170.00      425.00
Pre-emergence herbicide15 litres        25.00      375.00
Insecticide2.5 litres        25.00         62.50
Sacks(Packaging)50 sacks          2.50      125.00
Subtotal   1,597.50
Land clearing7.5 man-days        20.00      150.00
Ploughing2.5 man-days     100.00      250.00
Sowing 2.5 man-days         50.00      125.00
Fertilizer application 2.5 man-days         50.00      125.00
Weedicide application 2.5 man-days         60.00      150.00
Weeding (manual) 2.5 man-days      100.00      250.00
Harvesting 2.5 man-days 100.00250.00
Threshing 2.5 man-days         50.00      125.00
Winnowing 2.5 man-days         30.00         75.00
Bagging 2.5 man-days         30.00         75.00
Subtotal   1,575.00
Total   3,422.50

GHS 1.00 = USD 0.16519 (oanda)

Read also: Soybean Harvesting, Storage, and Marketing – Best Practices

Benefits from 1-hectare soybean cultivation

Expected Average yield per hectare = 2500kg
Less Post-harvest loss(expected) = 5% (2500 * 0.05)
Yield for sales (expected) = 2450kg (49No. 50kg bags)
Price per 50kg bag = GHS 120.00
Total number of 50kg bags = 49
49 * 120 = GHS 5880.00
Less Cost = 5880 – 3422.50
P&L/hectare = GHS 2,457.50
*** Expected yield achievable with high yielding varieties of soybean.

All things being equal, the estimates indicate that soybean cultivation within a cultivation period of 4 months has the potential to yield a 72% return on investment (ROI). A key risk to this potential, however, is the unreliability of rain to provide ample irrigation. The most effective approach to guarantee profitability is with a fully irrigated process to improve yield.

On a larger scales costs like transportation, feeding, etc must be considered.

Note: The financials of a fully irrigated soybean farm will look much different. Irrigation is expected to add to the capital cost and improve yield significantly.

Read also: 8 Incredible Health Benefits of Soybean, Uses and Side Effects

Strategies to increase profit margin in soybean cultivation

  1. Adopt no-till technology where possible.
  2. Economics of scale: The cost of production reduces as the size of the farm increases.
  3. Adopt measures to reduce post-harvest losses.
  4. Understand the market and sell when prices are high.

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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.
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