HomeProductionCrops18 Improved Cassava Varieties Resistant to the Deadly Mosaic Disease

18 Improved Cassava Varieties Resistant to the Deadly Mosaic Disease

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This is a list of improved cassava varieties released in Ghana. It is a reference for farmers in deciding the choice of variety they may prefer and the facts about it.

Which cassava variety have you cultivated before and how did it go?

Read also: Detailed Guide to Good Cassava Cultivation

Improved Cassava varieties and their characteristics

CMD – Cassava Mosaic Disease

VarietyYear ReleasedMaturity Period(Months)Mean Root Yield(T/ha)Total Dry Matter(%)UsesCMD Resistance
Afisiafi199312-1528-3532Starch, flour, gariTolerant
Abasafitaa199312-1529-3535Starch, flour, gariTolerant
Tekbankye199712-1530-4030fufu, ampesi, gariSusceptible
Dokuduade20051235-4030Starch, gariResistant
Agbelifia20051240-4533Starch, gariResistant
Essam bankye20051240-5035Flour, gariResistant
Bankyehemaa20059-1240-5032Flour, gari, fufuResistant
Capevars bankye20059-1230-3530Flour, gari, fufu, starchResistant
Bankye botan200512-1525-3028Flour, gari, starchTolerant
Eskamaye200515-1816-2325Tuo, konkonteTolerant
Filindiakong200515-1816-2028Tuo, konkonteTolerant
Nyerikobga200515-1817-2930Tuo, konkonteTolerant
Nkabom200512-1528-3232Starch, fufuTolerant
IFAD200512-1530-3530Starch, fufuTolerant
Ampong20101240-5036Flour, Starch, fufuResistant
Broni Bankye20101240-4533Flour, bakery productsResistant
Sika bankye20101240-4536Flour, StarchTolerant
Otuhia20101235-4039Flour, StarchResistant
Source: rtimpknowledgecenter.blogspot.com

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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.


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