Poultry production, in general, is a good business in Africa and across the globe. Layer production in particular is very lucrative. Some amount of money has to be invested to realize this like with any other business.
How much do you need to start?
We shall look at how much you need to start layer production. The costs cover the basics needed to start a 1000 bird layer production under the deep litter system for the first 6months of production. These are the costs even before your birds start laying for you to realize some income. Amounts are quoted in Ghana Cedis (GHC) and the corresponding amount in US dollars ($).
Currency rate converter: Oanda (15/February/2022)
We recommend a minimum of one acre at a very good location. The total area may not be used for the first 1000 birds. However, it will allow for expansion and also position the housing at a good distance from other farms and structures.
Cost: GHC10,000.00/$1,541.04
Poultry Housing
The recommended dimensions for a 1000 birds poultry house is 7meters x 30meters. This gives an area of 210m2. These dimensions can however be varied to get the required area. The amount involves estimated costs of all the materials and works needed to raise the structure from foundation to roofing. We shall bring you the detailed cost in a subsequent post.
Cost: GHC22,000.00/$3,390.29

Feeders and Drinkers
By equipment, we mean feeders, drinkers and laying boxes. You will need about 15 drinkers at GHC33.00, 30 feeders at GHC80.00. We are considering metal feeders and plastic drinkers (10litre capacity).
Cost: GHC3,895.00/$600.235
You can use cheaper alternatives like woods and big plastic containers for the feeders and drinkers. Many innovative ways using locally available materials have been used in this regard and they sometimes cost nothing. Just make sure you avoid contamination of the feed and water by the birds.

Laying boxes
Laying boxes with divisions suitable for 1000 birds cost about GHC1,000.00.
Cost: GHC1,000.00/$154.104

Water system
Depending on the source of water, this cost varies. In this case, we are considering where you may have to construct a mechanised borehole with a 3000litre elevated water tank.
Cost: GHC16,000.00/$2,465.66
Again, if you have a cheaper source of clean water, you may use it.

In this case, you may formulate your own feed or buy it pre-mixed. The costing involves the estimated total amount you may spend on feed during the first 6 months of production.
Cost: GHC39,000.00/$6,010.05
Medication involves poultry vaccines, vitamins, dewormers, antibiotics for disease prevention, control and egg-laying boost. There are vaccination schedules that can be followed. Other medications may be recommended by the veterinary officer. This is just an estimate based on practice. Estimating GHC2.00 medication cost per bird for the first 6months…
Cost: GHC2,000.00/$30.208

Day-old Chicks
Depending on the breed of layer and whether they are local or foreign, the cost of day-old chicks may vary. The local ones are the ones produced by local hatcheries, and the foreign ones are the ones that come from Europe. Local ones cost between GHC5 and GHC8, while the foreign ones are between GHC9 and GHC12. To be on the safe side, we use the average of the upper costs. Don’t be scared, though. So for a thousand
Cost: GHC10,000.00/$1,541.04

Looking at the work involved, one person will be okay for 1000 birds. As a way of motivation, good accommodation and feeding are advised. What pertains now on most farms is an average salary of GHC500.00. So, we estimate this for the first six months.
Cost: GHC3,000.00/$462.312
The major ones are quoted above. There are things that you may want to consider. These may include heaters for brooding day-old chicks. There are ways several ways of providing heat for day-old chicks. You may use whichever is convenient for you and the birds. Brooder house, farmhouse, electric debeakers and others as you may deem necessary according to your budget.
NOTE: These figures may vary depending on location and materials used. Alternate means may be adopted in many instances to achieve similar results.
We shall look at, in future posts;
- Cost breakdown for broiler and cockerels.
- Profits/benefits from 1000 layer production.
- Strategies to start poultry production with lower capital
- and all you need to know.
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Featured image source: csmonitor.com