HomeAgriData InsightsOverview on Cocoa Production in Africa: Key Facts and Figures

Overview on Cocoa Production in Africa: Key Facts and Figures

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Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) is the main ingredient in chocolate, from the cocoa tree. In West Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia, cocoa is an important “cash crop”, providing income to more than 4.5 million families worldwide. It connects these families to a global market, driven by strong, consistent demand.

History of Cocoa production in Africa

Starting from what looks like the earliest record of the use of cocoa. It was discovered that around 2000 BC people of major civilization in Guatemala and Mexico (pre-Olmecs) used cocoa in their drinks. People used a spicey mix of cocoa, corn, vanilla and chilli peppers way before the delicacy of chocolate milk came up.

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Cocoa didn’t arrive in Africa until 1800 AC. In 1828 the Dutchman Coenraad van Houten invented the cocoa press. The machine separates the liquid and solid parts of the cocoa bean. This made powdered cocoa possible and to mix with other liquids. People started growing the cocoa tree in Brazil, Ecuador and some countries in Africa. Cocoa took some time before it became successful in Africa.

Tetteh Quarshie travels to Fernando Po (Bioko in Equatorial Guinea) and after 6years returns to Ghana with several seeds of cocoa. In 1879 Tetteh Quarshie succeeded in planting some of the seeds at Mampong.

Production levels distribution

Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria and Cameroon produce 70% of the world’s cocoa beans. The Ivory Coast and Ghana are by far the two largest producers of cocoa. Together they cultivate more than half of the world´s cocoa. These two are followed by other cocoa producing countries like Indonesia, Nigeria, Cameroon, Brazil and Ecuador.

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RankCountryProduction (tonnes)
1Cote d’Ivoire1,472,574
9Dominican Republic81,246

Source: FAOSTAT (2016)

Some quick facts about cocoa production

  • 4.5 million cocoa farms worldwide
  • 1.5 million cocoa farms in West Africa
  • 3-4 hectares is the average size of a cocoa farm in West Africa
  • 8 is the average family size living on a West African Farm
  • 2500 of beans per tree
  • 3.5 million tonnes produced annually globally
  • 2.6 million tonnes produced annually in West Africa
  • 7-10 steps from farm to the manufacturer in cocoa production in West Africa

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Products from cocoa production

  • Animal feed from cocoa husk 
  • Production of soft drinks and alcohol
  • Potash from cocoa pod husk
  • Jam and marmalade
  • Mulch from cocoa beans shells
  • Cocoa butter for chocolates
  • Cocoa powder
  • Cocoa liquor
  • Body creams

Problems in Cocoa Production in Africa

Cocoa production in Africa faces a common problem of relatively low yield. This low yield or productivity could be due to;

  1. Old trees stocks. There are many farms that are more than 30years.
  2. The sizes of farms being small. Access to land and the land tenure system could be the main reason.
  3. Climate change. There are erratic rainfall pattern and high temperatures.
  4. The planting of traditional varieties that are low yielding. Many cocoa farmers do not plant the hybrids.
  5. The use of poor farm management practices by cocoa farmers. Farmers need to adhere to good agricultural practices.
  6. The inability of cocoa farmers to manage cocoa trees that are so tall.
  7. The limited use of agro-inputs such are pesticides and fertilizers. Also, some farmers use chemicals that are not recommended.
  8. Galamsey. A typical problem in Ghana where cocoa farms are destroyed for the mining of gold.

Read also: 7 Tips on Profitable Farming with Good Records Keeping

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cocoa farming profitable?

Is cocoa farming for the youth?

Is cocoa production sustainable?

Can cocoa buying companies pay more for cocoa?


We would like to ask for your opinions on the questions above.

We shall be bringing a series of posts what will handle the whole processes and activities involved in cocoa production in Africa.


History of Cocoa – (cocoafromghana.org)

Cocoa production in a nutshell – (makechocolatefair.org)

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Jennifer Boamah
Jennifer Boamah
A Cocoa Production Expert with many years of experience working with thousands of farmers to improve cocoa production that will lead to an improvement in their livelihood. Repackaging agriculture to make it more attractive to the youth in Africa.


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