HomeProductionCropsGood Chilli Pepper Production: The Ultimate Guide

Good Chilli Pepper Production: The Ultimate Guide

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The chilli pepper (also known as chile pepper, chilli pepper, or simply chilli) is the fruit of plants from the genus Capsicum, members of the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Chilli peppers originate from Mexico. They are widely used in many cuisines to add spiciness to dishes. The substances that give chilli peppers their intensity when ingested or applied topically are capsaicin and related compounds known as capsaicinoids (Wikipedia).

Hot peppers like chilli have some remarkable health benefits.

Botanical name

Capsicum frutenscens- Hot

Capsicum annum- Sweet

Suitable varieties for commercial chilli pepper production

(Hot)- Legon 18, Long Red Cayenne, Bird’s eye, M12, Scotch Bonnet, Kpakpo Shito, Jalapeno and Fresno. (Sweet)- King Arthur, Florida Giant, California Wonder, Red Knight, Early Carl Wonder, Chinese Wonder, Yolo Giant.

There are many types of pepper with varying degrees of spiciness.

Question: In what unit is the spiciness of pepper measured?

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Source of seeds

Use certified seeds from reputable seed companies.

Climate and soil requirements

Chilli peppers require sunny, semi-tropical or tropical conditions and also have an annual rainfall of between 600 mm and 1,250 mm. The ideal temperature for good growth is 18oC-32oC. Low humidity will result in a bad fruit set due to the dropping of flower buds.

Read also: Complete Guide to Tomato Production in Ghana

Site selection

Chilli peppers grow on a wide range of soils. But they thrive best in sandy loams with lots of organic matter. Choose well-drained soil, land with a gentle slope and soils with a pH of 5.0-7.0 (slightly acidic to neutral). In chilli pepper production, avoid or sterilise soils previously planted with tomatoes, garden eggs, okra, or papaya within the last four years.

Read also: Experts’ Guide to good Garden Eggs Production in Ghana

Land preparation

Clear the land of trees, grass, and root stumps. Apply well-decomposed manure or compost at 3–10 kg/m2 for 4-6 weeks before planting. In chilli pepper production, a seed rate of about 150g seed is required for 1 ha at a density of 30,000 plants/ha. Test your seeds before nursing them. Seeds are most suitable if test results show 95-100% germination as the most suitable.

Raising seedlings

Sow one seed per cell (in seed trays). You can also broadcast the seeds lightly in a seedbed and cover them with a 1 cm layer of soil. Cover the seedbed with non-seeded dry grass or palm fronds on the seedbed until the seeds emerge. Cover the bed with an insect-proof net or sow them inside a greenhouse or screen house. Upon emergence, water the seedlings thoroughly every morning or as needed, using a fine sprinkler. Avoid overwatering to prevent damping-off. Should this occur, drench with an approved fungicide.

Read more on: Vegetable Seedling Nursery Establishment and Management


Transplant seedlings at 4 weeks. They should have about 5 true leaves. Do this in the cool of the day or late afternoon. The soil should be moist and of fine tilth.

Spacing For Some Hot Pepper Varieties

VarietySpacing(between plants and between rows)
Cayenne(Legon 18)60x60cm (2Ă—2 feet)
Jalapeno60x30cm (2Ă—1 feet)
Fresno70x50cm (2.5Ă—1.5 feet)
Scotch Bonnet70x50cm (2.5Ă—1.5 feet)
Bird’s eye60x30cm (2×1 feet)
Sweet Pepper60x60cm (2Ă—2 feet)

Read more on: Steps in Transplanting Vegetable Seedlings from Nursery to the Farm

Nutrient management

Test your soil to determine the fertility level.

Adjust rates to meet the crop’s nutrient requirements.

Read also: Why is Organic Fertilizer better?

Fertilizer application

  • At transplanting, water seedlings with a starter solution of 5g/L NPK 15-15-15 or 3g/L di-Ammonium Phosphate or any commercial fertiliser rich in Phosphorus and Nitrogen.
  • 2 weeks after transplanting, mix and apply 6g (2 crown caps) NPK 15-15-15 and 3g (1 crown cap) Ammonium Sulphate/plant.
  • At flowering side-dress 3g Potassium Nitrate. Repeat at 2 weeks intervals. Apply high Calcium foliar fertilisers containing Boron every 2 weeks following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • After each harvest, apply 3g KNO3/ Ammonium Sulphate and irrigate to prolong the harvesting period.

Read also: Inorganic Fertilizer: Advantages and Disadvantages


Practice no-till. So that the vegetation residue will serve as the mulch. This helps to conserve moisture and reduce weed competition.

It also helps to control erosion and soil compaction. You can also use rice straw (5t/ha) or other organic material. You can also use a polyethene sheet or a combination of materials. Where plastic mulch is used, lay before transplanting.


Provide supplementary irrigation in chilli to maintain a good moisture level throughout the growth period. Especially during flowering and fruit development.

Read also: Types of Irrigation: Advantages and Disadvantages

Weed control

Keep the field free of weeds with inter-row cultivators. Apply approved pre and post-emergent herbicides. You can also use a hoe or handpick weeds. Avoid damaging plant roots.

Read also: Basic Principles of Weeds Control and Integrated Weed Management (IWM)


You can stake chilli plants to prevent lodging, particularly when they have a heavy load of fruits. This is important in chilli pepper production to avoid fruit losses.

Pest and Disease Control

Major pests of chilli are aphids, termites, broad mites and thrips.

Anthracnose: May occur in the field. It may also develop after harvest when the fruits start to rot. To control anthracnose, use pathogen-free seeds and rotate crops. Fungicides can reduce losses.

Bacterial spot: Small water-soaked spots on leaves. The leaves become necrotic with yellow borders. To control, rotate pepper with other non-susceptible crops. Sprays of copper-based fungicides will reduce damage.

Read also: Managing Crop Pests with Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Bacterial wilt: The initial symptom is wilting of lower leaves followed by sudden and permanent wilt of the entire plant without yellowing. To control, use pathogen-free seedbeds to produce disease-free transplants. Fumigate seedbeds and sterilise the planting medium for container-grown plants. Use raised beds to facilitate drainage.

Phytophthora blight: The most common symptom is a stem or collar rot followed by sudden wilting without foliar yellowing. This is controlled through the use of resistant cultivars, raised beds, crop rotation and fungicides. Root-knot nematode: Infected plants become stunted and yellowish. Severely affected chilli plants may wilt. To control, use crop rotation; flooding fields greatly reduce nematode populations. Soil fumigants or nematicides may be used. Seeding during the fallow season with Crotalaria or African Marigold and ploughing in will reduce the nematode population.

Read also: Complete Guide to Okra Production in Ghana


Chilli pepper is ready for harvesting 6-8 weeks after transplanting. Harvest red ripe or green depending on market demand. To harvest, snap the fruit stalk from the stems by hand.


Yields of chilli vary depending on cultivar and management practices. 10-22 MT/ha are achievable.



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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.


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