HomeProductionCropsWhat Are The Major Challenges in Cocoa Production in Africa?

What Are The Major Challenges in Cocoa Production in Africa?


This discussion on the Challenges of Cocoa Production in Africa could be the trigger for the needed transformation in the area of cocoa production in Africa.

Read also: Cocoa Production in Africa: Overview with Key Facts and Figures

Farmers in Africa have been growing cocoa for decades rising to become the highest producer of cocoa, producing over 70% of the world’s cocoa. This cocoa goes into the production of the world’s favourite chocolate and many other products.

The cocoa sector in all African countries enjoys a ready market unlike most commodities in agriculture and special attention from respective governments.

In spite of these, the challenges are many and the impact of cocoa on the life of farmers, the communities in which they are grown and the countries as a whole, is quite minimal to insignificant looking at the total worth of the cocoa industry.

Read also: Is Agriculture Reducing Poverty in Africa? Why is the African Farmer Poor?

So, what possibly are the problems in cocoa production?

Is it;

  • Lack of lands or how unproductive they are?
  • The lower market price for cocoa beans?
  • Low education in improved technologies?
  • The lack of money to invest in cocoa production?
  • The lack of improved or high yielding cocoa plant breeds?
  • Cocoa pests and diseases?
  • Lack of bargaining power of cocoa farmers?
  • Lower education levels among cocoa farmers in Africa?
  • Lack of effective and less expensive inputs e.g. chemicals?
  • The lifestyle of cocoa farmers?
  • Their responsibilities?

…a lot more?

Read also: What is the Agricultural Solution for Nomadic Fulani Herdsmen in Africa?

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Jennifer Boamah
Jennifer Boamah
A Cocoa Production Expert with many years of experience working with thousands of farmers to improve cocoa production that will lead to an improvement in their livelihood. Repackaging agriculture to make it more attractive to the youth in Africa.


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