HomeProductionGeneral Agric.Building a Food Secure World

Building a Food Secure World

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This post is based on an original written article by His Excellency Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of United Nations, titled Building a Food Secure World.

In his article, Mr. Annan states that “A profound change of our global food system is urgently needed. Despite recent progress, one in nine people does not have enough food to eat, and another two billion lack the nutrition necessary for proper health. In addition, global population growth, dietary shifts, and our changing climate are making it more difficult to produce enough food to provide healthy diets for everyone. If current trends continue, food production must double by 2050 to meet the world’s growing demand.”

We find it quite profound, the points he laid out as solutions. These will ensure that all humans have an adequate supply of quality food. By these, we feel that we (Agrihome) need to keep on the right path. We are also very motivated to carry on. Besides, we feel a deep sense of responsibility to ensure we do our part.

These are the solutions he offered in his article, to securing food for the world.

1. Increasing agricultural productivity

He explains that we need to increase agricultural productivity to help end hunger, which is one of the Sustainable Development Goals. He suggests that smallholder agriculture must be treated as a commercial business. Also, there is a need to enable private sector interventions alongside the government.

Read also: Soil Conservation : Ways to maintain soil for sustainable production

2. Produce food with fewer resources

Produce more food with fewer resources like land, water, and others, he suggests. Moreso, there is a need to put in place and enforce the regulation that helps manage natural resources in a sustainable way. Furthermore, climatic shocks are becoming more frequent and severe. So, farmers need to adopt more tolerant seed varieties and adopt conservation agriculture techniques.

3. Quality of diets rather than quantity

Mr. Annan says we need to emphasize more on the quality of our diets, rather than just focusing on quantity.  He further states: Poor nutrition inhibits people from thriving, and research has shown that the economic returns from investing in nutrition are well worth the effort, as better nourished populations are consequently more productive.

4. Prioritise consumer health and safety

His fourth point states the need to ensure that the health and safety of the consumer are at the core of all our efforts. For example, the abuse and improper use of antibiotics in livestock, aquaculture, and crop production. These can pose considerable risks to human health. High food safety and nutrition standards along the entire agri-food chain are imperative for our future health.

Read also: Organic Farming: Types, Principles, Methods and Importance

All of us need to play our part.

Read the original article on Building a Food Secure World by Kofi Annan.

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K. Afrane Okese
K. Afrane Okese
Experienced Climate Change Adoptation and Mitigation expert and Agriculturist, working with farmers, building and managing farms for over a decade. Love to share and learn from farmers and other players in the field of agriculture.


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